Move your AWS Lambda functions inside your VPC

Yeah, so I'm not great at reading documentation I don't think anybody really enjoys reading documentation, most of just want to to "git 'er dun". In that spirit, skipping over paragraphs of florid tech writing and jumping straight to the code snippets is usually enough. Not in this case though TL;DR; Lambdas moved to your VPC must be in a private subnet (i.e. no internet gateway) Lambdas must use a NAT gateway to have internet access Your NAT gateway must be attached to a public subnet i.e. one that has a an internet gateway, not your private subnet where the Lambdas will live Your private subnet must have a default route to the NAT gateway in the public subnet NAT gateways cost money, $40+ / month at the time of writing. Don't forget to fix your security groups and use endpoints if you can for AWS services The overly florid explanation I have been trying for some time to completely nail down public access to my AWS resources but on...