QEMU usb passthrough and the CC2540 BLE packet sniffer
I have one piece of hardware that has stubbornly resisted the permanent move to Debian in my office, an old Texas Instruments CC2540 USB dongle that has Bluetooth Low Energy packet sniffing firmware installed on it. If you're doing anything out of the ordinary with a BLE device, such as fiddling with the advertisement data or trying to troubleshoot a GATT issue, you will eventually end up with a packet sniffer of some kind. When I originally bought it, the machine I plugged it into was running Windows Server 2016 and it worked fine. However, after I had upgraded that box to Windows Server 2019 the drivers stopped working. I had no further use for it at that stage so I put the CC2540 away. The need for a packet sniffer has returned, hence out it came again. Only now, that machine that was running Windows Server is running Debian and it appears there is no way to directly get something like Wireshark to talk to it. QEMU to the rescue (again) I do keep a Windows 10 virtual mac...